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ESG: Unearthing Prosperity

A thought leadership program from Mining Journal, Miningnews.net and Mining Magazine
‘ESG’ – environmental, social, governance — has become a familiar catch-all term and synonym for sustainability in mining. However, the E, S and G are discrete disciplines that require equally distinct solutions. In the contemporary world dominated by the net-zero challenge, the discussion around the S has been side-lined and the conversation addressing the G is an afterthought. The mining sector stands at the intersection of critical social and governance challenges. As nations continue to rely on mineral resources for economic growth, the industry’s operations have come under intense scrutiny due to their profound social impacts. Social issues in the mining sector encompass a range of concerns, from displacement of local communities and disruption of traditional livelihoods, to health hazards associated with mining operations and inadequate labour rights. Simultaneously, governance issues in the sector extend to regulatory inadequacies, transparency and corruption concerns, and the exploitation of resources for short-term economic gains without considering long-term sustainability. The exploration of innovative approaches to address the social and governance issues in the mining sector is crucial to ensure responsible and sustainable resource extraction. These challenges need to find their way back to the top of the mining agenda.

Mine Closure Complexities

Mining Journal, Miningnews.net and Mining Magazine speaks with Nikolai Kirillov, Senior Consultant Environmental Specialist at SRK Consulting. The interview covers the complexities of mine closure, specifically the importance of integrating mine closure strategies throughout the early design and operational planning stages, future mine closure liabilities and how to avoid them, and most importantly, how to effectively estimate costs for the end of life of a project.

Eco-treads: Shaping the next generation of mining tyres

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Miningnews.net speaks with Lisa Hickey, Michelin Mining Business Segment Manager, Sustainability and Virgile Ayglon, Michelin Mining R&D Sustainability Leader about how Michelin is working with mining companies to meet ESG targets.

Unearthing Commitment: Responsible Social and Governance Engagement

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Miningnews.net speaks with Carol-Ann D. Fletcher, Principal EHS/ESG Consultant at SLR Consulting. The interview covers how social issues are addressed and examples of this in the mining industry, examples of the four key areas the industry is facing around the social part of ESG and Governance challenges that good accountability can improve upon.

Sustainability Electrification Transformation via Infrastructure – Challenges & Progress

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Miningnews.net speaks with George Aslanis, Integration Manager APAC at Epiroc and Scott Bell, General Manager and Managing Director at JTMEC.  The interview delves into Epiroc and how they are leading the change toward sustainability via acquired companies like JTMEC, JTMEC insights with renewable projects and the challenges facing the mining industry around sustainability goals.

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What's Inside The Report?

Epiroc: leading the charge in mine electrification

Michelin: a sustainable path to mining tyre design

SLR Consulting: navigating ESG challenges in the mining industry

SRK Consulting: a collaborative approach to establishing water stewardship maturity

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